Blog << PREVIOUS | NEXT >>Because you are my everything and I love making you smile. Sep 25, 2011
I haven't had the time, energy or desire
to do/look or upload pics.
However, with Paris, I have gained a fresh new chapter in life.
There was a reason I stayed away, for so long.
(Well, besides one of my exes hating it and thinking it smells like piss
we spent 5 years living in and out of Europe)
It's because, I KNEW I'd fall in love with it.
I just knew.
(Just didn't know HOW much)
I never researched it.
I never looked into what makes it "Paris."
I just knew.
I knew that one day I'd wanna move here...(for a bit)
It's my previous love...(NYC)
but with class, style, elegance and grace.
I'm always asked WHEN I'm going to settle down
and stop travelling OR WHERE would I ever THINK of settling.
Well folks, I've found my answer.
It tempts your taste buds, your eyes and your desires.
In short...
Je suis Paris.
Je suis...Paris.
That's all I thought as I walked the streets back to the hotel today.
I'm ecstatic that with 6 years of French classes, private summer tutoring
and 15 years of NOT using it again...
its seeped back quite nicely and without effort.
Et voilà mes amis...
La vie c'est bon!! .. . !!!!!!!!
NOW...onto some pics.
(More Paris stuff later. I ain't GONE YET!!!!!)
As for my birthday so far?!?!?!
Beyond words. Beyond feeling. Beyond expression.
(More on WHY later)
Indy and Nata...SANCOCHO TIME!!!
(I took this WEEKS ago. Thought it'd make you smile)
It sure made me, cuz it made me think of you.

Cutting myself on broken beer glass in hotel room while getting shit
ready to go.
(At 3:30AM..UGH)

Broken CD I'm FINALLY taking out of my backpack and TOSSING...
after MONTHS and MONTHS of being in there.
(This weekend's about a TOTAL cleanse and LIFE revamp)

The bruise. Doesn't look so bad, but FUCK does it hurt.
It's getting better (stagnant) but I've been gritting teeth under
hidden nonchalance as I walk through the streets of Paris.
(Cuz I'm cool and I run this town...bitch)

My sweet Charles (David's) got a boo boo.
Never noticed THAT before...
Huh. When's the last time I was DRUNK and wearing them?
Leaving my baby (Nikon DSLR) in hotel safe back in Holland.
(Semi-regretting it now, but whatever. Next time!!!)

Liked the sweatshirt...but MAINLY bought it because it has
my daddy's race car number.
(Although he's OBVIOUSLY #1)

Went to bed at 1:30AM. Woke up at 3:30AM...needed to pack and organize
so, couldn't sleep. Left before 6am and found out
I wasn't really GOING ANYWHERE.
Aye. Saturday. I forgot!!!
(That's OK. Flight was at 12:30PM. Plenty time, I just got restless. SHOCKING huh?)

After half and hour of walking and waiting...
6 more mins of waiting...
waiting in the Holland COLD!

Train to Schiphol.

ALLLLLMOST bought it.
But, acquired some self control and put it back...
after having it my hand around the store for 20mins.
I'm 25, however enjoy the number "32"
(guilty grin)

For my FLY killers.
(Keen and Desda)

Need to get the REAL DEAL so I can document
them STICKY FINGER maids!!
To Date:
Thailand: iPod
Holland: Versace cologne

ha ha Funny. I really think this is a friend of mine, who I met in PDC.
And yes, he's a model as well. (Messaging YOU!)

Veronica, this is for our sweet little bundle.
It's to remind her, that every little bite she takes
is one bite closer to me, coming home!
(It's just also, time passing and the need to eat. But she
doesn't need to know that. Plus the prior sounds more poetic)

My NEW travel buddy!!!
Too cute to pass up. Cute, no!!?!?!?
Low maintence, doesn't eat much and it travels for FREE!!
Me likes!
(I'm telling ya, I AIN'T takin' on ANYMORE charity cases!)
And I'm SERIOUS this time!
ha ha

Gotta wittle tail too!

Ahhhhh. The mini fridge.

OK. A PIC entry. Just like you like.
I have so much more to share and write.
But this is what came out and I wanted to FINALLY get some pics up.
Hope I kept you entertained!!!
And smiling.
Because...without you...
my life wouldn't have the light to shine.
Thank you. Love you. Miss you.
**COME...MEET me in PARIS!!!!!!!!!!**
The BEST birthday presents ever, in MY LIFE:
A Facebook album, from friends around the world...
YOU guys put the BIGGEST smile on my face.



Why did my mom just pose?
What's my bday message here?!?!!? Huh?
"LOOK at this. LOOK at this Cara...and be GRATEFUL to have
such a STUNNING specimen for a mother!!!!"

Mi preciosa.
Miss ALL of you CRAZY BITCHES!!!!!!!!!
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