Where is Cara now? NYC for a week, then down to Washington, DC and right back on up again. An apple a day as they say!



Holy Shit. It's DONE. I'm leaving.

Apr 26, 2011

I can't believe how difficult confirming a flight to leave Freeport was. Usually, I can't WAIT to get off this rock. I had to have one of my best friends choose the day and book the ticket, cuz I'd sit...undecided for God only knows how long.


In this particular instance, I feel like I'm fulfilling an obligation.

Lost is the joy and excitement that should be present. Guess it doesn't help I haven't sorted through ANY of the shit I set out to do, since I arrived...in November! 

I'm happy I'll be able to see my Prozac, Mr Steven T Riely!!!!!!! He's also one of my travel buddies and I haven't seen him since Mexico last year. Which is TOOOOOOOOOO LONG!


I'm not seeking fun, although I know I'll probably have...A LOT! It's moreso following what MUST be done. My next step towards my overall goals. I have no plan. Just picking up and doing what my heart says I must.

I've never been to Colorado before. So, fresh new territory is always cool. I've got a lot of really close friends that live out there, who I've been meaning to visit, so that helps crack a few sparks of happiness.

Other than that, I know staying here in the Bahamas, although ENTERTAINING, is not pushing me forward in life. There's something in me that says: "Get out there, and life will guide you."


So, I'm doing just that. GETTING OUT THERE!!!!!!!
From my first steps on Boulder, CO soil come this Saturday...


I guess you'll see what will come of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Toodles for now!



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