Where is Cara now? NYC for a week, then down to Washington, DC and right back on up again. An apple a day as they say!



The Formation of Great Friendships

Apr 26, 2011

The closest people I have in my circle, which span the globe, are ALL awe-inspiring, beautiful, generous, intelligent, open-minded, loving and full of life, laughter and smiles. I only place the best of the best in my arsenal. From the outside, we appear to be the ELITE world forces to be reckoned with, which 9 times out of 10, we are... 

But beneath the surface, and which I believe also helps mold our bonds, lies hairline cracks that sometimes weakened our force field.  


We are HUMAN. We have our pasts, our mistakes, our hurts and our betrayals. We have our doubts, our worries and our days where the whole world feels like its caving in, hardly leaving us room to breathe let alone step into life, to take it on.

The greatest thing, is we are here for each other, like a see-saw. When you're down, I'll boost you on up and I know, I can count on you, to help me do the same. 


In every circle, there will be light and darkness but together we can balance out the extremes and carry each other through the woods and out to the sunshine.




I love you.
Remember, whenever my energy/strength provides, and even in moments when it doesn't...I'll push through to the best of my ability to come through for you to TURN that FROWN, UPSIDE DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have a BEAUTIFUL day my precious heartstrings.
Always and forever.




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