Where is Cara now? NYC for a week, then down to Washington, DC and right back on up again. An apple a day as they say!



Could Life, Get ANY sweeter?!!??!?! BEST WEEKEND TO DATE!

Apr 26, 2011

I do NOT even WISH to try out my camera right now. My father and I switched cars today. Carelessly, he removed some of my stuff from the back, which included the bag I had my camera in, and BAM! To the floor, out of the back of a HIGH SUV…my poor, constantly ABUSED, I’m-surprised-even-has-life Nikon DSLR.


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. (Worked for myself and my camera for as long as I can remember. Let’s see if this was just TOO much for my poor little baby. Will report later on today when I muster the courage to test it out)


Thank God I’m going to the US. Looks like she might have to go in for an EXTREME check up!

No “Sorry”, no nothing. How sweet. Funny how, if I moved anything from the back…and shit fell:


“Cara, why you so careless?” Followed by an extended week or more rant depending on the value of said item. My mom still gets on my case for a party I had at the house when I was 19. 12 years ago! Nothing happened to the house, everything was sparkly and picked up…if it wasn’t for the picture I left on the desktop computer…LOL she would NEVER have known!


When THEY break anything:


“Cara, why you not put in good place?” Or “Why you not pu’ in betta bag?” Or, “Oh…dats so o’d anyway. I never see you use.”


I’ve accepted the “Cross” that I bear. But man, I can’t say that the logic EVER CEASES to amaze me.

Mind you, at the last minute, my father needed my help. Even with only 3 hours sleep, I didn’t even have to think about it. I’m always here for my parents, whenever they need it but it’s more seen as an obligation NOT as favor out of the goodness of my heart.


Had one of the BEST weekends in my Freeport existing HISTORY this past weekend. Probably because I went on a local “holiday.” 3 nights this week, I spent out. Didn’t return home except to shower, change and brush my teeth. Stayed in the sanity of the Lucaya area and away from the mentally de-stabilizing zone of Bahamia for as long as I could. Kept great energies around me and was loving life.


Once I entered back into the western zones of Grand Bahama and met up with my dad, the negative energies began to consume me. However, I’m so pumped and filled with the greatness that was this weekend, the dark arrows just bounced off me.


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! How fab is that? Woke up at my friends house today, said bye to everyone including their visiting friend from out of town and was off to meet my dad. (What’s your mom’s fragrance? I have it lingering on me, smells good! Message me!)


I offered myself up for a few more hours this morning, high on life, thank God or I’d be dragging. Was, mark it, WAS going to HIT up my room for passport, etc. however, when my schedule doesn’t go exactly as planned, shit that I REALLY don’t wanna do, usually doesn’t get done. Only time will tell if I’m a good girl today.


Had a FABULOUS time last night. Happy Birthday again for my April 25th peeps…Indy, Sandra and Anthony!!! Anthony and Ingrid, the party was FAB last night. Thanks for the invite!!!!! (And, anytime you need to start getting the “riff raff” out your house, you know who to summon) 




No offense to any of my magnificent company for the evening, but…my favorite moment was on the floor, alone with Gizmo. He’s just soooooooooooo soft and fluffy and entertaining. It got kinda weird when his little Shitzu pink “Mr Happy” kept peering out, but hey…


Can WE BLAME HIM!?!!?!?


Can we?????





I was in one of those “state of minds.” The one where I’m mainly mute and observant. I was calm and content. Happy, but not in my MADDENNING “she’s-so-energetic-and-happy-she-must-be-high” kinda way. The strong, soothing night’s beach breeze kept drifting me away in silent thought. With each gentle wind I knew, this was it.


I’m ready.



It’s time to go.  


As I’m still not really wanting to go, I’m going to have my friend Steve book my flight and surprise me with my departure date. I just NEED to be here for Wednesday, and I’m thinking Friday to “attend” the Royal Wedding with the Picots and “attendees.” A good last send off even though it’ll be at an ungodly hour of the morning.



When things become too good, it seems I run away. I think there’s a slight fear that exists because change exists. Nothing lasts forever. So, might as well leave when I’m on TOP! Leave with the most unforgettable memories, then…maybe come back for more.


Works for me.



Colorado, I’ll soon be yours. Dooley, don’t worry…ya momma already said I MUST met up with ya. Which of course, I will!!!!!!!!! See you soooooooooooooooooooooon!




Headed to one of the only bars open on a Monday at the hour we were roaming Grand Bahama.




I tell you, after 4 in the morning, you can meet some INTERESTING characters and see some VERY INTERESTING things. Met a person from my “Motorcycle” fan club. Ha ha He tells me that while growing up, he’s heard about me and that I was all the talks around town…and how I’m a legend ha ha And, the best thing yet, he LIED to people and used tro say that he knew me!


Funny shit.




Closed Candy’s and left around 5AM or so? Can’t remember. Hit up PEPPER POT for some chicken in the bag and called it a night. Or should I say morning? (OMG. The things that occurred at Pepper Pot, I can’t even put to words. I love my friends. Never a dull moment!!!!!!! Ha ha You just, as I’ve said, HAVE TO BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)




Happy Tuesday all.
Much love.


Cara xoxoxo


And, oh yeah, Kelley…we know you must have been jealous that your husband got the “Candy’s” experience before ya, with the BEST crew on the island. Huh? He he he


Robbin, looking good baby. Real good. Forgot to tell you cuz I was distracted by all the Canadian riff raff you were attracting! Ha ha ha

Pictures to come, when I find some time.



Or, should I say IF!!!!!




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