Where is Cara now? NYC for a week, then down to Washington, DC and right back on up again. An apple a day as they say!



To The MOST AMAZING IRREPLACEABLE Friend in MY World. Happy Birthday!!!

Apr 25, 2011

Today’s the 16th. Still a few days shy of your special day. I was thinking of writing up and uploading a post for you tonight, however, I had the clever “aha” moment of presenting this to you ON YOUR BIRTHDAY! The reason I was lured to the front of my laptop was the inner glow and outward smile I got, and almost always get, when I thought of you.

I’m a strong believer in destiny and following the silent cues of life as it tries to guide us towards our true calling and path. The more we are in-tune, the more we separate from the chaos outside ourselves and find mental peace and silence and the more we live through our hearts and not our heads, the more life becomes an amazing stepping stone of incredible events placing things, opportunities and people right where they belong, and right at the moment you need it, even when we don’t know that we do. My life has been an indescribable ride of miraculous coincidences. Everywhere I go and everyone I meet has brought me higher and higher and has enriched my life beyond comprehension.

I remember the moment I was called to leave Mexico and come home. A month trip that turned into 3 in Playa Del Carmen. I never thought I’d leave. However, a week before booking my flight, something inside of me said “It’s time to go home.” It wasn’t as clear until after a silent restless night where I woke up the next morning at the crack of dawn, with this command SCREAMING in my head: “It’s time to LEAVE. Book your flight, NOW!” (And no, I don’t hear voices, it’s just a clear “to do” thought. A moment of clarity where you know, without a shadow of a doubt, the direction you must take)

I booked my flight. The next day, I was gone.

Just like that.

I saw my parents were going to the Breitling VIP party in Nassau. Since my parents and I always have a great time, TOGETHER, when we are ANYWHERE BUT HOME, I decided to meet them there as my first port of entry back into the Bahamas.

And there you were. My Knightress in shining armor ready to SCOOP my ass up and save me as I almost lost my little asian footing in my skinny little stilettos while walking up the mini arch in the road towards the main event. If that scene in our lives were placed in a movie, that’d be the moment where the audience realizes, “The story of these two doesn’t end here.”

I can recall that moment as if it were a DVD I replay in my mind and it never fails to bring me a smile from ear to ear. We added each other on Facebook and the rest is history. Early on you wrote to me a simple message that said, “I’m glad I met you.” Well honey, I’m not only glad, I’m ECSTATICALLY SPEECHLESS.


And feel blessed and forever grateful to the universe for aligning our lives together, at just the right moment, so that we could share a piece of our time here on earth with one another.

Out of the thousands and thousands of people that enter my life, I'm close with HUNDREDS. I have more best friends than some people have friends, but you my dear, top them ALL. Not because you are better, but because with you, everything just clicks. However, who am I kidding? You are better. Saying that though, I don’t want to down play all my other best and FANTABULOUS friends. It’s just that it works. When you have a connection with someone, it isn’t something you choose. It’s just there. You know me better than most people I’ve had in my life for years, although, with my blog...more people are catching up. Ha ha ha You’ve never judged me or brought negativity to my life. You are always someone I can count on to be uplifting and positive. You don’t harp on me. You’d  D R O P  everything in an instant, without a second thought, if I needed you. You don’t try and make me do things I don’t want to. Sometimes when I tell you I don’t want to go out, I’m amazed at how easily you just accept it. It’s quite refreshing. Everyone in my circle should thank you because you’ve managed to do the impossible - Get me OUT the house and on this island for over 6 months. It’s a record!

The love, attention, generosity and loyalty that I give others, have never been matched. Not even close, until now. WOW! I’ve always said if I could date myself I would. Ha ha ha Just when I thought all hope was lost and I was a rare commodity among the masses, voila. Here you are.

People may make jokes or assumptions thinking I have a crush on you, or that something’s going on. Let them think what they want but in reality, you’d never be just an object to me, because you are so much more than that. When I see/think of you, I see everything that you are. Your past, your present, your pain, your happiness and everything that I believe you deserve in life.

Write now, I’m breaking every few minutes and messaging back and forth with you on FB. I so wish to finish this and share it with you, but…gotta be patient.

Indy, my love, the greatest thing about our friendship is, it just is, what it is. Like water, like air, like life. It exists, because it belongs without effort or force. The reason why I battle with ever using the word “no” with you is because saying YES…benefits BOTH our lives. I’m an open book to you, cuz I have no fear of any malicious actions with any information that I share. I will always be willing to share everything of me, up to the point where no one else’s lives come into play. If ever I leave you in the dark about anything, it’s because it’s not my life to share. As you know, I am a vault of secrets - A dead end river bed where everyone stores their inner most thoughts, feelings and actions. You can always rest assured that whatever goes in, remains under lock and key.  



I love you girlie. I’m so happy that I’ll be able to spend a birthday with you before I leave. It’ll be a great way to remember our times together until the moment our lives cross once more. People like you, are what make life sparkle and I thank you for you and everything that you are because the addition of you has brought my life to a new level and I am forever grateful.

I hope the world will be as good to you as you’ve been for me.




FELIZ CUMPLE mi alma gemela!

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