Where is Cara now? NYC for a week, then down to Washington, DC and right back on up again. An apple a day as they say!



♪ ♫ Oh What a Night...............♪ ♫

Apr 24, 2011

Where oh where do I begin? Yesterday was jammed packed to the point of WARNING: OVERLOAD but I made it out. Alive.


First off, had a printer malfunction. Was preparing 15-20 or so masks of Marc Anthony and Pitbull for my beautiful birthday girl to satisfy her mystifyingly incomprehensible adoration of Jennifer Lopez’s heroin looking spouse. (She also likes Pitbull, but as I learnt last night…there only remains ONE true keeper of her heart)

Printer wouldn’t work. Why is it, the more TECHY and ADVANCED shit gets, the more issues it has? All I wanted to do was print. Simple. PRINT! (We have an HP All-in-One -  Printer, scanner, copier. Fuckin’ thing’s worse off than a hormonal latina. Unpredictable mood swings.) I had an “aha!” moment and called over to my friend Renee’s house. Kayla was home and offered up printer usage. Yay!

OK, that’s set. Now, what to wear? I was so spent after running around all day that I couldn’t be bothered with clothing. Remember me? I hate clothing. If I had a yummier body, I’d parade around naked if I could. So, I did the next best thing…

1.   A G-string

2.   Matching bra

3.   And a doctor’s lab coat tied at the waste to give the jacket more form

4.   Heels

Thought it be a quick put together but the pair of heels I wished to wear, were incomplete. Found one. UGH! Turned my room upside down and nothing. WTF!?!?!? How FAR could ONE shoe be from the next?!??! Like, REALLY!?!?! I had the A/C set to 70, after half an hour of searching, I was breaking into a sweat. Then, the clouds of shoe heaven cracked open, the rays of the afternoon sun broke through and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. The OTHER SHOE!

Yeah!!! Right? No. After finding the ORIGINAL missing shoe…I couldn’t find where I put the original FOUND one. Like, OMG. Really? I’m seriously beginning to feel that there’s a ghost in the house hiding shit from me, for his own sick’n’twisted amusement!

After about a half hour and another break of sweat, I gave up. F-it. Instead of my yummilicious 5 inch gold, white, black’n’snake leather Charles David stilletoes…had to suffice with my equally as yummy but without the extra kick, 4 inch black and dark beige CDs. I love Charles. He’s been with me since high school.

Arrived at Kayla’s. Met their German exchange student Pauline. Little did she know that I’d be subjecting her to Chan Sweatshop labour. “Hi, nice to meet you. Get to work!”

Printer. PRINTED! Amazing, right? Renee came home after we were wrapping up. Nice catching up, haven’t seen “MY BUDDY” in ages. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!

Off to the party!

Hung out in the grotto pool bar at Taino Beach Resort. Then, moved shit to Neptune’s nightclub. Fun times. Came home (well not MY home, but a house) ‘round 4 something…last minute sleepover. Ate some YUMMY sancocho. Passed out ‘round 5AM. And up…at 8AM. Why?


Cuz, yes…I’m a masochist.

Stayed in bed til 10AM. Was debating on going home to dress for church as I was supposed to go with Renee and the family…but I couldn’t be bothered to drive 15mins west, just to drive 15 back east again. Sorry Jesus, God and whoever else. Next time buddies!

Had to take Ale to where she was staying so she could shower up and prepare for the day, and lo and behold…it was right across the street from Renee! Perfect, so popped in quickly to wish them a HAPPY Easter and was on my merry way…to shower and prepare for the day as well. (Basically cloth myself in something other than my friends shorts and night shirt and get some appropriate shoes for the day)

Mouthful today eh?? As for the rest, you shoulda been there. That’s ALL I gotta say! HA HA



Have a great Sunday all!!!! (I had to leave this entry PG cuz I’ve tagged Renee and Indy. They are “proper” people, unlike crazy little me. Ha ha ha)
Love you all!!!!!!!

Cara xoxoxoxo


(Found out that a lot of people think I’m beautiful, intelligent and apparently I’m greatly loved. Muahahaha The spell is working! Muahaha World domination, is expeditiously within my grasp!)


The Cake

We're good friends. ha ha


VERY happy birthday girl
She liked her face SMASHED into Marc Anthony so much...
She didn't bother to wipe off the icing.

My boobies


Let's not even discuss the drama I put myself through getting this image printed.
LOL God damn holidays! But, we made it!
Go team Mafia!!!
We're the BEST brainstormers!

Sweat shop slaves.

Thanks again guys!

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