Where is Cara now? NYC for a week, then down to Washington, DC and right back on up again. An apple a day as they say!



Brain's failing to function...

Airports, VIP lists, my mother, being my mother...and the sweetness, of being home.

Oct 29, 2010

My brain’s so numb, but for once in my life, I’m trying to be a good, responsible girl and keep up with my daily entries. Landed in Nassau yesterday. Decided to hit the Breitling 2nd Anniversary party. Invite Only VIP status, why say no? Was soooooo psyched to see mis padres. (My brain works randomly in Spanglish) They were arriving about an hour after me, so I pieced together a short entry for the site. While I was wrapping it up, I hear a shrieking, familiar voice, semi-yelling, coming from behind me. THIS must be a damn record. Not even a SECOND allowed to pass while in each other's presence, and MY MOTHER's already getting on my case. Like, WOW! With a little less than 3 hours of sleep in me, I failed to realize that my exit gate (that I was waiting outside of) was solely international. They flew in from Freeport, so were searching and waiting for me on the other side of the airport. Ha ha Ooops. I was surprised to see the Korean sensation, Suki, with them and one of my favorite Canadians, (there’s MANY…I love my Maple leafers) John Hynes.


I took the 7AM flight out the next day so that I could accompany my father back home. Was going to stay in Nassau for a week or so…but, I was burnt. I’ve done more than 5 months away from home before, however…3 of these were spent in Playa del Carmen. 3 months, of nonstop partying, leaves you train-wrecked like a year-long marathon! Needed some “home” time and a much needed break from PEOPLE! Left mom, and the camera, in Nassau. Yeah! Peace and quiet in Freeport. She’ll be back tomorrow, so suckin’ in the tranquility while it lasts.


Party was rockin’. So nice to bump into some old faces I haven’t seen in ages. As soon I was able to pass out, I was up again to hit the airport. While my father was whispering me into consciousness, I could have SWORN I was hallucinating. Guess still being drunk, and having yet another less-than-3-hour night of rest, can do that to ya.  




What’s that? The amount I spent on Chinese groceries. Ha ha Well, ok. $180 of it, was for some fun electronics for my dad. Whenever I’m in Florida, before coming home, I pick up some of my parents favorite things to eat, which they can’t get in the Bahamas. It’s like Christmas for them. My mom especially. I love watching her as she rummages through the boxes, discovering each item after another as she pulls them out. (This trip, Bahamasair’s NEW baggage rules and PRICES were revealed to me. Not too bad, but not too good either!)


Misery, doesn’t even touch the surface of what I felt, while catching my flight to Freeport. The bright rays of the sun, seemed to be beaming EXTRA strong today as I exited the airport and every minute spent waiting felt like hours. However, it was worth it, cuz I was with my dad.


It’s nice to be home. Be gentle people, I’m here for “R&R” Pics of yesterday will hopefully come tomorrow - Depending if my mother loses the camera or not while drunkenly partying it up in Nassau tonight. Let’s hope for her life’s safety, she doesn’t. For now, here are my brother and sister. Gucci and Coco.



Adios muchachos!!!! Gracias por venir! Besos!



gucci chow chow beachcoco and dad

coco bed

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