Where is Cara now? NYC for a week, then down to Washington, DC and right back on up again. An apple a day as they say!



Bahamasair, the ever-so-delightful FRENCH & the Atlantis Hotel

The thought of giving her a damn lap dance FLASHED instantly through my mind...

Oct 28, 2010

What a delightful encounter I had, once I made it onto my DELAYED (shocker) Bahamasair flight. Seat 8A. Unfortunately, in 8C was the gem of a being I’m about to talk about. She was maybe in her 50s (I think I’m just being kind) and judging by her accent, French. After placing my bag in the overhead compartment, I look at her and smile. (A typical way of saying, “Hi, I sit in this row, you are in the way, get out of it.”)


She looks up at me, without a smile to be found and darkened eyes (probably by the air of misery she so lovingly creates) and says (imagine the most pompous French accent you can), “Well? What do you want me to do?” Then, with her left palm up and motioning the way, WITHOUT moving, she utters, “Pass!” like I was some kind of dirty, homeless peasant wanting to cross the muddy path in front of her royal, gold-accented, horse-drawn carriage.


The thought of giving her a damn lap dance FLASHED instantly through my mind when I looked down at her static legs as her hand glided my view towards my seat. I had my Swiss Army backpack on my back, jammed with heavy electronics (good inertia), and I’d be lying if the thought of “accidently” smacking her in the face with it, didn’t cross my mind. **Big, naughty, yet innocent-I-didn’t-do-it smile**


The flight attendant, who I’d already exchanged friendly chit chat and greetings with, witnessed the interaction and asked if I wouldn’t mind sitting in an Exit row. I said, “Not at all” while rolling my eyes, and raising my brows, in shock and disbelief. By the grin she delivered back to me, she knew my feelings, EXACTLY.


At the end of the flight, I noticed the endearing treat of a woman, didn’t get up from her seat. She was going on to Havana, so as I deplaned, I looked at both of the flight attendants and said, “I so GLAD dey goin’ ta Cuba. Cuz Cuba…CA KEEP DEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Bustin’ out my finest Bahamian, so they knew, we’z family. Ha ha


All checked into the Atlantis Hotel. Grabbed a bite to eat, and yes a few cocktails. Now, it’s time to get a mini recharge. The tingling of the cells in my body are telling me it needs MORE than a little over 2 hours of sleep.





“Goodnight” again all. I should come up with my own phrase for these mini, if-I-don’t-get–some-sleep-now-I’m-going-to-start-hallucinating-and-disintegrate, daytime powernaps I’ve been taking!!! Thanks again for stopping by!!! xoxoxo

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