Where is Cara now? NYC for a week, then down to Washington, DC and right back on up again. An apple a day as they say!

Sexy-Sweet Amigas, SMOKIN' photos...and Dia de La Independencia (Mexico)

This weekend, and Wednesday...in PICTURES. Life's good, when you have BEAUTIFUL friends. At least, for fun with cameras. he he

Sep 19, 2010

I gotta hop out but wanted to get something up for your viewing pleasure.

This weekend, and Wednesday...in PICTURES. Life's good, when you have BEAUTIFUL friends. At least, for fun with cameras. he he




Shot from Independence Day. 200 years!!!! VIVA MEXICO!!!!!!!!!

dia de indepencia day of independence mexico 200 years


My biker boys! Love em!!! Skirt, by Lucia. They thought it'd be funny I went out as "China Poblana" - a traditional style of dress in the Mexican Republic and a Legend in Mexico. She wasn't Chinese...but, well since I am, and the name bears "China" somehow my friends thought it would be hilarious. I swear, I've become a dress up Barbie doll here in Playa. You should see what they have in store for me come Halloween! That is, if I'm still around. :)

bikers moto playa del carmen mexico dia de independencia


The Swedish Connection here in Playa. Yes, it's like "Where's WALDA." Texting and bouncing between groups and clubs. Gotta keep things fresh throughout the night or I'll just get bored and go home.

Sweden swedish girls playa del carmen mexico


Mi linda preciosa Lucia. You like???? :) Of COURSE you do. But you'll have to go through me first! Make her cry...
And consider yourself DISINTEGRATED!

lucia playa beach playa del carmen mexico bikini sexy model


Gotta love a bar with beds. US??? Center of attention? Why would you think that?!?!?! and why does it seem as if we are the only OPENLY morally casual people in Playa?!!?

Reina Roja Hotel Bar Playa del Carmen Mexico



So yeah, my new friends. I jumped in the pool that's INSIDE my now-favorite-bar in Playa Reina Roja. I don't know why it's taken me so long to go. Killer ass decor. Saw a fun group of people, pretended to jump in, and they were like..."C'mon!!!" So...what the hell, it was hot, so I did. Fully clothed and now, got a great new set of pals and had endless GLASSES of MOET! Hmmmmm. No wonder I feel like shit today. :) It's weird how people stare at you, when you are walking through the streets, dripping wet, wearing a bra on a Saturday night. I don't get it?

Reina Roja playa del carmen mexico


Benjamin and I playing with the awesome decor of Reina Roja Hotel/Bar/Restaurant. At least I wasn't the only one taking off their top this night!

reina roja playa del carmen mexico


Sexy Felipe, in town from Guadalajara/Los Angeles. Don't worry ladies, and some "MEN" there'll be more of him. He's here til Wednesday. :)

felipe playa del carmen mexico



Partyin' it up at Coco Maya, right on the beach. How can you go wrong? Do I hear...skinny dipping ? 

coco maya playa del carmen mexico



Someone's ready to call it a night.

ready to finish the night


That's all for today folks!!! Gotta RUN!!!!!!!!!!

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